Haxey Memorial Hall
Haxey Memorial Hall, High Street
- accessible toilets
- visually impaired friendly
- parking
- disability parking
Services at this location
3 services available
Boogie Bounce
Boogie BounceThis is a fitness class on a mini trampoline with a handle. The trampoline takes 80% of the...
- Haxey Memorial Hall
- Weekly on Thursday from 17:45 to 18:30
Step Aerobics Class
Step AerobicsThis is the classic workout class done on a step. A class will target your legs and core...
- Haxey Memorial Hall
- Weekly on Thursday from 19:30 to 20:30
- Walkeringham Village Hall
- Weekly on Friday from 09:15 to 10:00
Yoga / Pilates Flow
Body Yoga/Pilates FlowThis is a unique class which incorporates yoga and pilates in which you will increase flexibility and...
- Haxey Memorial Hall
- Weekly on Thursday from 18:30 to 19:30