
Lilli King Light worker and Healer Our subconscious mind is there to protect us but not always in the way that we desire. I have learnt a technique that uses the subconscious mind to release emotions that have been stored in the body, this may be from: * passed experiences/traumas where emotions haven’t been fully felt or worked through, *passed down from parents/ancestors, *or even absorbed from someone else. When these emotions are left in the body, they can cloud your mind and judgement or even cause pain and issues within your body. Unknowingly this was the case for myself, upon using this technique firstly with the help of my sister then being able to do it on myself i have cured some issues that I had been suffering from for over 10 years. One of these being non-epileptic seizures. When we hold onto these emotions, (whether aware of the fact or not) they can lead to many mental issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, fears, nightmares, relationship problems, or blockages in life. Once released through a simple technique you will feel lighter and more yourself!

Services by this provider

1 service available

Emotional / Trauma Release Therapy (energy healing)

Emogic offers the facilitation of emotional release from the very root core of its existence. Unlike traditional talk therapies...

  • Telephone Support
    • Weekly on Wednesday from 09:00 to 17:00
    • Weekly on Monday from 09:00 to 17:00
    • Weekly on Tuesday from 09:00 to 17:00
    • Weekly on Thursday from 09:00 to 17:00
    • Weekly on Friday from 09:00 to 17:00