Ashby Peer Support Group
Carer Peer Support Groups can offer empathetic support that only another Carer can give. They are a great way to meet other Carers, socialise, develop friendships and share information.
Carers meet every fortnight on a Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm at the Ashby Community Hub and you will be made very welcome.
Talk to us if you feel you cannot attend because of your caring role on 01652 650585 or email
For more information about this group, or for free confidential help and support in your caring role, please contact The Carers' Support Service on 01652 650585
Service contact details
Service provider
Carers' Support Service
The Carers’ Support Centre is a charity that has been supporting Carers for nearly 30 years. We are here to work with Carers to ensure they receive the right support and information at the right time, enabling them to continue looking after members of their family, friends and neighbours.
Session details
Ashby Community Hub
Ashby High Street
DN16 2UT- Fortnightly on Tuesday from 13:00 to 15:00